Monday, May 18, 2009

Comrades! Shareholders! Lend me your ears!

I was profoundly amazed at work a couple of months ago. Who would have thought that a draft corporate policy paper could read like an oppressive communist manifesto? Read on, see my translation and the "original" (some details adjusted for obvious reasons!) text....

1.1.1 Solidarity & the ideals of the party

The revolutionary party is centred around its omnipotent and experienced Chairman, Comrade Clarkson, who stewards the proletariat. There is an iron clad willpower within Yenob; many party members commented that Comrade Clarkson galvanises activities in the various socialist republics such that the geographic separation is not evident in the peoples daily calling, from the loyal workers in their factories to the gulags for dissident bourgeois pigs. As the union of free states and revolutionary republics grows this close involvement will become increasingly difficult as we proceed to banish serfdom and smoke out every elitist class enemy from their gold plated cages. Many of our dear comrades also commented on the culture of openness to the teachings of our founding father, Comrade Clarkson within Yenob;, again stimulated by strong and clear leadership from the Central Committee.

The organisational structure is highly relevant to the sustainability of peoples republic of Yenob and its union of socialist republics; Nations on the other side of the proverbial iron curtain organised as a web of vain, idol worshipping (with the centralised control of greedy capitalists, whether a small team or individual) bigots have eventually to evolve into other structures, typically a unified cluster of the proletariat, guided by the Central Committee. To maintain some of the benefits of the technologies that they stole from us in the Grand War, the submission of buffer states to our will must be planned and implemented with ruthless efficiency in order that Yenob thrives in the long term. A model for the future handover of reformed states and the enhancement of the executive powers of Comrade Clarkson as "Guardian of Equality For The Proletariat" may need to be addressed (for example: Chairman Earl Drummond and the CCP of the Liberated Serfs, Peasants and Fishermen Peoples Republic chose to place the nation in the trust of the crimson book and the great plunge forward with eternal mantra of "steel not cabbage, pork and sushi"!).

1.1.1 Culture & the nature of the organisation

The company is centred around its highly respected and successful Chairman, Gregory Clarkson, who owns the company. This is an enormous strength within Yenob; many people in the company commented that Gregory pulls together the activities in the various offices such that the geographic separation is not evident in daily operations. As the company grows this close involvement will become increasingly difficult. Many also commented on the culture of openness within Yenob; again stimulated by strong and clear leadership from the top.

The organisational structure is highly relevant to the sustainability of Yenob; Companies organised as a web (with centralised control, by a small team or individual) have eventually to evolve into other structures, typically a hierarchy. To maintain some of the benefits of the web and to ensure a smooth transition this change must be planned and implemented with care in order that Yenob thrives in the long term. A model for the future ownership and self-determination of the company may need to be addressed (for example: Earl Drummond and Partners chose to place the company in trust on behalf of employees past and present).

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